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How to Get from Dublin to Copenhagen
Rating: 12
The mysterious land of castles and leprechauns, wonderful Ireland is, indeed, the enigma you would like to discover! And you will definitely find no better place to start your journey than Dublin. The magnificent Irish capital ideally reflects the national character, embodied in the wonderful historic legacy and, above all, the genuine locals who radiate the undisguised pride of their country. Founded by the Vikings in the 9th century, Dublin primarily attracts visitors by its outstanding architectural ensemble imbued with the medieval spirit. Enjoy a peaceful walk around the inspiring winding streets, witness the grandeur of the Dublin Castle and the St. Patrick’s Cathedral, relax at the enormous Phoenix Park, and organize a museum-day as Dublin has a lot of venues for a deeper history immersion. One more distinctive Dublin feature, alongside the great legacy, is, of course, the traditional bustling Irish pubs, perfect for social interaction coupled with the famous Irish whiskey or beer degustations. Sounds like a great experience?...Read more
Rating 10
2 h
Rating: 12 Travel time from Dublin: 2 h
As if leaping from the pages of the fairytale book about the Snow Queen, dreamy Copenhagen is a real tidbit for travelers from all around the globe. Recently, the Danish people were recognized as the happiest nation in the world, and one of the reasons for that is certainly the indisputable beauty of their capital. Copenhagen is definitely the spot for a saturated cultural and artistic experience. Probably the most famous Copenhagen attraction is the colorful waterfront district of Nyhavn which historically served as a gateway from the sea to the inner city, nowadays it provides stunning photo opportunities with typically Danish tiny houses and serene boats peacefully waggling in the canal. Choosing cycling as your way to explore marvelous Copenhagen is a perfect way to understand the local lifestyle and discover the major landmarks like the Town Hall Square, the Christiansborg Palace, the Old Danish Stock Exchange, and the symbol of Copenhagen, the statue of the Little Mermaid....Read more

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